Parking Consultation
Platinum Consulting Team
As an experienced service provider and parking management company, Platinum Parking has the resources to properly and effectively manage any project related to your parking facilities. This may include projects such as signage replacement or upgrades, cleaning, electrical, structural repairs, construction, and traffic control studies. With our experienced senior management team, having Platinum Parking as your service provider delivers resources and intellectual capital will deliver the services you, our clients, deserve and need:

Platinum Management Coordination
Platinum works with Property Managers on a daily basis and proactively deliver the services they need:
- Methods of improving and managing the bottom line
- A dedicated approach to parking
- A responsible 3rd party
- Effective parking controls
- Ideas to improve tenant satisfaction
- A single point of contact who is readily available
- Educational training
- Recommendations to streamline operations

Platinum Experience
A consultative partner that provides ongoing input and suggestions to improve your business. Whether needing seamless transitioning to Platinum Parking that includes closing out old tenants, getting new tenants set up, issuing of new parking cards, and addressing security issues or setting up a system from bottom up, Platinum’s experience will be evident and pivotal in achieving all your goals.
Through our many years in the parking business, there is virtually no situation we have not encountered in the past, that we cannot solve in the future. Additionally, Platinum Parking has developed several customer service programs based on our experiences with our public facilities and that are great practices to implement at any parking location. Consider these additional services:

Secret Shopper Program
Platinum Parking currently utilizes a third-party professional investigator to regularly “shop” each of our valet and self-parking locations. The third-party secret shopper has been educated on the high customer service standards and company standard operating procedures for both valet parking and self-parking. Monthly reports provide details on customer service, employee operating procedures, and general feedback on the operations. As a client of Platinum Parking, all facilities are included on the Secret Shopper location list.

Customer Comment Cards
Platinum Parking utilizes customer comment cards and online customer surveys to obtain feedback about the parking facilities we manage. This includes feedback on such things as cleanliness, services provided, signage, and the appearance and helpfulness of the attendant/cashier. All customer comment cards are postage paid and directed to the President or Vice-President of the company for review.